
Showing posts from May, 2018

Through my Eyes

As I sit on this icy cold metal chair, cold penetrating through my lower body and my spines, I see a variety of things. The chair that I am sitting on is a long one and of grey color. A red trash bin with a greed lid and a little lighter shades of green plastic exploding to its brim just a few steps away from me. A giant pillar stands in the middle of the room separating the two rows of the metal chair facing each other. The wall in front has a clock on it striking exactly 9:15 am . To my extreme right, there are two small counters with its opening just enough to see the face of the people in the other side. A passage in front leading to mysterious place. To my left is the stairway connecting the lower level with the level on which I am, an elevator which I suppose is hardly used and another stairs leading to the floors above. The floor is a giant slab of red with few stripes of grey in it. Above I see a perforated ceiling with many fluorocent bulbs all brightly lit except one. This ...